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DFW weather | Clear, hot weather through Labor Day weekend and ahead in 14-day forecast
DFW weather | Cooler evenings in 14-day forecast
DFW Weather | The triple-digit days may be over, 14 day forecast
DFW Weather | The end of meteorological summer, 14-day forecast
DFW weather: Labor Day Weekend will be hot!
DFW weather | 14-day forecast for the beginning of September
DFW Weather | Temperature to start dropping below triple digits in 14 day forecast
DFW Weather: Where and how much rain you can expect this week
DFW weather: Triple-digit heat returns for Labor Day Weekend
DFW weather: Latest rain timing and Labor Day forecast
DFW Weather: Scattered showers over Labor Day weekend, but don't cancel your plans just yet
DFW weather: Finally, a little break from the extreme heat! But how long will it last?